Do you want more

from your path?

Coach Joe Rhodes wants to hear your story!



Every person I meet has a unique personality, background, career path and goals. I want to hear your story and customize a path that is tailored to your unique make up so that you can experience the things you want most in life.  It all starts with a cup of coffee.

Our first connection will be a complimentary discovery session in which we will establish a plan that helps you explore, embrace and live into your unique design.  At that time, if you decide to move forward, I will send you an email with a contract and link for you to submit payment. 


Are you in transition, between jobs, or simply longing for a more meaningful career path?  I’d love to help you get there.  Through a proven and personalized assessment plan that taps into your unique talents and propensities, we will create a path that enables you to pursue the fulfilling future you’ve been looking for.


High School and College students face some of the most important decisions of their lives and as parents, you want the most for them.  I can help by ushering you and your student through a process that matches his or her unique passions and personality with the ideal education path for a meaningful and fulfilling future.


  • Through this process Joe has helped me see how to maximize my strengths and work on my weaknesses as the person God made me to be...Going into college I have stronger intention-I'm looking ahead to see what steps I can take to put myself in a position to succeed.

    Bella–High School Senior
  • It was so wonderful to watch Joe skillfully work with our daughter to not only explain her assessment results but ask her very insightful questions as she is seeking answers to her career and life path. This experience unlocked key learnings for all three of us. Kimberly seemed to light up as Joe encouraged and probed key aspects of her personality, passions and skills. We highly recommend Joe and this special process.

    Dan and Lorie Hitzhusen
  • Joe is the person you want in your corner. He has great insight and experience and communicates in a unique and special way. As a coach, he has helped me manage life's ups and downs, turning them into positive and joyful learning experiences.

    Scot Sandstrom
  • Since going through the process with Joe, we have gone from instructing our kids about what is "right and wrong" to having meaningful discussions about feeding their passions and core values, and not abandoning who they are created to be.
    This experience became a road map for discovering the wonders of our child, opening our eyes to how she is hardwired. When we saw it on paper, we knew in our heart how right the results were and felt a connection with our daughter that was powerful.

    Jahnke Family


Coach Joe Rhodes - Life Coach

As a pastor for 37 years I assumed a wide array of roles—from administrator to teacher to counselor to business executive to director of operations to human resources—the list goes on.   But if you were to ask me what I enjoyed the most, the answer is easy-getting to connect with people.

My greatest pleasure has always been sitting with someone else over a cup of coffee and listening to their story. Friends and family often joked that if you ever needed to find me, I’d probably be at a coffee shop having a “meeting.”  It’s true.  Maybe it is my innate curiosity, but I feel honored when someone shares with me the narrative of his or her life.

What I’ve discovered through the years, however, is that most people live out of false narratives that rob them of meaning and fulfillment.  Driven by the expectations of others, as well as their own negative self-talk, many never experience what it means to find their own story, to thrive within the contours of their own unique design.

This is what drives me as a life coach.  I want to help you discover and redeem your personal narrative; the only one that will enable you to flourish with freedom and joy.  I believe this can happen for anyone, and I am honored to be a part of your journey when it does.


Questions? Please reach out to me and I'll get back to you sooner than you think!

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