Career Path Coaching

Did you know that the average person will hold over 11 jobs between the ages of 18 and 48?  For many of us, finding the right career has far too often involved a process of trial and error that can be frustrating and discouraging.  It doesn’t have to be this way. 

If you are in transition or thinking about making a career change, the career path coaching experience is an investment you won’t regret.  You will take the Compass Profile Assessment, a patent-pending tool that combines the best components of three major personality tests to guide you as you pursue your ideal career path. 

Through our time together, not only will you discover fresh insights about your strengths, personality traits, and unique passions, you will be exposed to the vast array of career opportunities that matches them.  Here is what the process looks like:

Step 1: You and I meet to talk about the plan.

Step 2:  You take a 30-minute on-line personal assessment.

Step 3: You and I meet for a fun and meaningful session to review the results.   You walk away with an in-depth 10-page personal profile.

Step 4:  You and I meet for a follow-up session to ensure the greatest impact on your career path and goal.

I can’t wait to walk with you through this extremely practical and enjoyable process.  If you would like to move forward with the Career Path Plan, please complete the form below and submit your full payment of $500.  Within a week I will contact you with a link to the assessment and we will then arrange our initial meeting.